Korseby Online - Themes

About Korseby Themes

The evolution of Kristian's Desktop. This section covers eye-candy monitors and themes for window managers - things that enhance the Desktop.

Evolution of Kristian's Desktop

fvwm2 2000
fvwm2 2001
It was the year 1997 as Kristian first booted a Linux. And some weeks after the initial boot he got X running and the default WindowManager appeared. It was AfterStep. But it took only some weeks before he realized that other WindowManagers could be better and be faster on his 386. After he finally got a new and much faster computer he took a very short vacation on KDE 0.9 (Yes it was a preview version which he compiled himself.) he switched to FVWM2 and discovered the programmability of the Look & Feel.

He spent lots of time improving FVWM2, even tried out the original fvwm, before he managed how to write his own modules and embed some cute Applets. In the year 2001 he finally sent out his improvements to the maintainer of FvwmThemes who happily included some of Kristian's stuff. The maintainer mainly took the window-borders. The ButtonBar Kristian programmed himself and other improvements were left out.

Only one year later Kristian decided to switch over to a more sophisticated and much faster WindowManager called Fluxbox.


Fluxbox Korseby1 Theme
Fluxbox Korseby1 Theme
Download theme (2 KB)
Download patch (2 KB)
If you want to know how Kristian worked in the year 2002 and how his desktop may have looked like, you can take a look on the screenshot or download the theme for the window manager fluxbox. But please note. For copyright reasons I'm unable to deliver the background and the icons seen on the snapshot.
Some people asked what applications I used. The icons are drawn by kdesktop (the component of KDE2 that is responsible for the desktop itself). But I used a special Gnome1.9 iconset that was never released in public and modified all mime-bindings myself.
The little goodies on the upper left are self-modified applets: wmCalClock, wmMoonClock, wmusic (a xmms applet), wmfire, asmem and bbpager.
The eye-candy monitors on the bottom left are modified separate xosview instances.

Kristian also slightly modified fluxbox to be more usable. The patch introduced the behaviour "switch focus when mouse enters a window without raising it".

Modified Window Maker Dockapps

wmpload is a Window Maker dock application to monitor ppp network device statistics and graphs information using Athena stripchart widgets. It can monitor any device that reports statistics to /proc/net/dev including ethernet, plip, loopback etc. It shows totals and current rates for a given ppp interface and is customizable to show using X resources. Sadly it does not run under OpenBSD.
This Korseby patch mostly changes some colors, updates the updatespeed to microseconds (instead of seconds) and adds the shape extension.
Download patch (11 KB)

A windowmaker dockapp, which shows your current CPU usage as a roaring fire. It can monitor the average cpu load. On entering the dock a burning spot replaces the cursor, and after two seconds symbols to represent the current monitor are "burnt" onscreen. The flame colour can also be changed.
This Korseby patch mostly changes some colors. Please note that this patch is for a quite old version of the dockapp and may not work for newer versions.
Download patched program (140 KB)

wmMoonClock displays a small pixmap of the current phase of the moon. You have to enter your Latitude and Longitude for it to work correctly. wmMoonClock is designed to work with the WindowMaker dock, but will work with other window managers as well.
This Korseby patch mostly changes some colors.
Download patch (3 KB)

wmCalclock is a dock app specifically written for Window Maker, but will work with other window managers. Some features include antialiased text display, with the ability to choose between different fonts, and colors. 12 and 24 hour time, Greenwich time, Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time, and Local Sidereal Time.
You can change the colors of the dockapp directly at the command line. For Korseby color use this:
wmCalClock -tekton -S -24 -tc rgb:d2/da/e4 -bc rgb:2d/33/4b

wmxres is a tiny dockable application that comes in handy when you want a specific X mode. Modes can be scrolled through until the desired one is active.
This Korseby patch mostly changes some colors.
Download patch (4 KB)

wmusic is a dockapp that remote-controls xmms. Features include VCR-style controls, Time and Playlist display, supa stylee rotating arrow, hiding of the xmms windows and reactive interface.
This Korseby patch mostly changes some colors. Please note that this patch isn't maintained anymore.
Download patch (28 KB)

This Window Maker Dockapp displays the Advanced Power Management (APM) status of your computer in a small icon. This includes battery or AC operation, battery life remaining (both in percentage and graph), time left until battery-depletion, charging status, and battery status. There's nothing in the program that makes it require WindowMaker, except maybe the look. To use this program you need to enable APM support for your kernel during configuration; the corresponding questions are in the 'Character devices' section.
This Korseby patch mostly changes some colors. Please note that this patch isn't maintained anymore.
Download patch (6 KB)

Modified AfterStep Dockapps

asmem displays memory (user/system, buffer and cache) and swap usage in a small 54x54 X window.
This Korseby patch mostly changes some colors and add the shape extension.
Download patch (9 KB)

asload is a neat 54x54 applet that displays instantaneous and average system, nice and user CPU time. Currently it is not in the Debian Linux distribution. It does not run well under OpenBSD.
This Korseby patch mostly changes some colors, updates the updatespeed to microseconds (instead of seconds) and adds the shape extension.
Download patch (3 KB)

ascpu is a neat 54x54 applet that displays instantaneous and average system, nice and user CPU time. Currently it does not run well under OpenBSD.
This Korseby patch mostly changes some colors and updates the updatespeed to microseconds (instead of seconds).
Download patch (3 KB)

Modified XOSView

You can update xosview to the Korseby theme by adding the following lines to your .Xdefaults. Just start xosview with the following commands at command line and remove the window borders with your window manager.

xosview -captions -labels -cpu -load -mem -swap -battery +net -page -disk -int -geometry 64x64+-5+827
xosview -captions +labels -cpu -load -mem -swap -battery +net -page -disk -int -geometry 64x16+-5-117
xosview -captions -labels +cpu -load -mem -swap -battery -net -page -disk -int -geometry 64x64+-5-53
xosview -captions +labels -cpu -load -mem -swap -battery -net -page +disk -int -geometry 64x16+-5-37
xosview -captions +labels -cpu +load -mem -swap -battery -net -page -disk -int -geometry 128x16+-5-21

This is what my .Xdefaults looks like:

xosview*title: Korseby xosview
xosview*geometry: 150x90+68+168
xosview*font: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-15
xosview*captions: true
xosview*labels: true
xosview*meterlabelcolor: #809bb5
xosview*usedlabels: true
xosview*usedLabelColor: #809bb5
xosview*borderwidth: 5
xosview*background: #42607c
xosview*foreground: #42607c
xosview*graphNumCols: 64
xosview*load: false
xosview*loadWarnColor: #ff0000
xosview*loadProcColor: #809bb5
xosview*loadIdleColor: #42607c
xosview*loadgraph: false
xosview*cpu: true
xosview*cpuUserColor: #809bb5
xosview*cpuSystemColor: #95afc8
xosview*cpuFreeColor: #42607c
xosview*cpuGraph: true
xosview*cpuPriority: 2
xosview*mem: true
xosview*memUsedColor: #809bb5
xosview*memSharedColor: #6c87a2
xosview*memBufferColor: #95afc8
xosview*memCacheColor: #6c87a2
xosview*memFreeColor: #42607c
xosview*memTextColor: #000000
xosview*memOtherColor: #333333
xosview*memDecay: true
xosview*memGraph: false
xosview*memUsedFormat: autoscale
xosview*swap: true
xosview*swapUsedColor: #809bb5
xosview*swapFreeColor: #42607c
xosview*swapGraph: false
xosview*swapUsedFormat: autoscale
xosview*page: false
xosview*net: false
xosview*netBandwidth: 12582912
xosview*netInColor: #809bb5
xosview*netOutColor: #a54c4c
xosview*netBackground: #42607c
xosview*netDecay: true
xosview*netGraph: true
xosview*netPriority: 2
xosview*netUsedFormat: autoscale
xosview*interrupts: false
xosview*battery: false
xosview*disk: false
xosview*diskUsedColor: #809bb5
xosview*diskIdleColor: #42607c
xosview*diskBandwidth: 35000000
xosview*diskWriteColor: #a54c4c
xosview*diskReadColor: #809bb5
xosview*diskPriority: 4
xosview*diskGraph: true
xosview*diskUsedFormat: autoscale