About Korseby Online
About Korseby Online
You are visiting the private homepage of Kristian Peters.
Version: 5.6.36
Design: Kristian Peters Webmaster: Kristian Peters Programming: Kristian Peters W3C-Validating: w3.org JS-Validating: jslint.com |
Some notes about copyright
Everything on these pages is made by Kristian Peters. As long as it is not stated otherwise source code is licensed under open source terms and has been forked to GitHub. All of the texts in the outer section are licensed under GNU FDL. Photos prior to 2007 are licensed under GNU FDL. Photos made after 2006 are licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA-NC. For additional use and licensing, please use the above email contact.
Statement on General Data Protection Regulation
This website does not save or process any personal data, including cookies and addresses of ip and email. There is no tracking and no advertisement on this website. Some pages such as Koordinatentransformation use services of third-parties such as Google Maps, which may save and process personal data. This website is not responsible for these services, as well as for the content of linked external web pages.
Datenschutzerklärung gemäß DSGVO
Diese Webseite speichert und verarbeitet keine personengebundenen Daten, darunter Cookies, IP- und email-Adressen. Tracking findet nicht statt und es wird keine Werbung geschaltet. Unter Umständen werden Dienste von Drittanbietern verwendet (z.B. Google Maps in Koordinatentransformation), die möglicherweise personenbezogene Daten speichern und auswerten. Dafür und für den Inhalt von Verknüpfungen zu externen Seiten (Links) sind die externen Anbieter verantwortlich.
Korseby in Depth
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Korseby Search BETA
Can't find what you're searching for? Try the new Korseby Search. But beware. It's BETA and JavaScript. |
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Korseby has a long history. Visit it for a complete list of changes. But be warned, it's rather long. |