Korseby Online - Licht
About Licht
Ein völlig unfertiges deutsches Textadventure in Pascal geschrieben. Interessant für alle dürften nur die folgenden Dinge sein: Lauffähigkeit unter DOS, Windows und Linux, die schöne Geschichte und der Textparser. Programmiert wurde alles von Kristian Peters. Es wird aber wohl nicht weiter entwickelt werden.
Screenshots of Licht
Purpose of Licht
The sources of Licht include the whole parser. They are not as complex as other but with some enhancements they are also comparable with those old infocom parsers. It works the following way: The sentence that ends with [Return] is splitted into the included words. Then the first word is interrogated by the computer, later the words behind. With no big problems you can create some more complex sentences like "trete die wand ein" (german, crush the wall). The parser ignores such words as "der, die, das" (german, the).
Background of Licht
The game was programmed early 1998 but only 2 months later it was too much work and then abandoned. It was ported to Linux in September 1999 and without any problems it is also running under Windows. It was compiled with Turbo Pascal 5.0 or the Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) under DOS and with FPC under Linux.
Licht was published under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPL). Visit GNU for more details.
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